Monday, June 24, 2013

Your Attitude Sets Your Success Altitude

Author: Rajesh Patil (PMI-ACP, CSM, CSPO, MS in Engineering Management and Leadership)

One a Sunday evening, I planned to visit a long time friend for dinner just  because I have been working all weekend  on a ROI and NPV Analysis presentation for my Executive team and I needed a break from financial data.

Most of the times my interest to meet someone is an opportunity to learn something new. Smart people have smart conversation and I sit there listening to these guys and absorb as much knowledge I can possibly take in and later analyze it.

My friend introduced me to Aaron, who greeted me but it was hard for me to understand what he said due to his speech problem, but I responded back with my greetings. As we continued talking about different topics, new ventures , new technologies; Aaron was constantly interacting with us and was trying really hard to make sure we understand the words he spoke. He was kind enough to repeat his sentences for us multiple times.

Late after dinner we changed our discussion topic on how one's attitude will make or break a persons life or career. My friend told me Aaron's story that he was deaf and speechless from his childhood and his parents identified the problem early and  worked really hard to help Aaron do good at school and be successful.

Aaron, did his Engineering in India , later completed his Masters degree in technology in US university of Wisconsin and today working on embedded systems for a startup in Bay Area. Aaron was leading a happy life with his wife and a 8 month old daughter.

I was amazed to learn about Aaron success , many times its hard to communicate clearly to our teams and for Aaron it probably takes a lot of effort to communicate. I learnt that he is a blessed writer and he mostly communicates through email and his emails speak his voice much better than an outstanding speaker.

While I was driving back home, I kept thinking how one's attitude can set what altitude they want to rise or fall to. I have seen many individuals who have not been successful in life even after having all the facilities, these are the people I call "Born with Silver spoon in their mouth" and there are many others who are very successful even after having many hurdles that life throws at them.

This reminded me something I read in a book long back about a Typical belief cycle.

Beliefs  lead to Actions and Actions lead to Results and Results lead back to Beliefs

If you have wrong beliefs you will take wrong actions and wrong actions will lead to wrong results and these results will influence you beliefs and make them worse. Always having the right belief is very important.

Here is something I had written down in my notes, it was copied from some book I read while I was doing my Masters in Leadership at Santa Clara University.

A Wrong Belief: Non-Productive Cycle

"This is the way it's always been"
"This is not my issue"
"I am already working too hard"
"I am burned out"
"I should not stick out my neck"

Leads to Wrong Actions:

"Sticks with status quo"
"Does not initiate new solutions"
"Discourages team members from taking the initiative"

Ending in Wrong Results:

"Managerial work is stressful and draining"
"Senior management applies pressure to improve results"
Nothing changes"
"It takes more work to maintain current productivity"
"Results suffer"

A Right Belief : Productive Cycle

"I need to fix this"
" We will save time and effort in the long run"
"Something must change to produce different results"
"This is why I am here"

Leads to Right Actions:

"Initiates improvements"
"Open to new ideas"
"Team members encourage to think"
"Team members encouraged to offer ideas"

Ending in Right Results"

"Problems get resolved"
"Opportunities are recognized and seized"
"The business improves"
"Failures are quickly reworked"
"Managerial work is fruitful and meaningful"

I am fortunate to be on the Right Belief Cycle because I have the right attitude and unfortunately I see many people who constantly circle within the wrong cycle and start feeling comfortable, but they are never happy about their own results and are always finding faults in others and don't want to change it.

It is very important to have the right attitude and the right beliefs to be successful in life, these two things decide on what type of a life you will have and what type of a person you will be.

The best thing is both attitude and belief are not inborn abilities nor a disease, they are just habits which can be changed anytime, anywhere by anybody; it just takes a strong mind and a healthy body to sustain.

After you read this blog post, do this exercise for me .
Find a mirror and stand in front of it and make a list of all your beliefs and your attitudes, think of  what actions you took and what results you got from each attitude and belief .
Now separate good and bad beliefs and start thinking of ways to change your bad beliefs to good .
The results will speak for themselves.

Happy Self Attitude and Belief Profiling.

My tonight's inspiration saga did not stop here, trust me I was not hunting for any stories, but another inspiring story
came to me on its own that made me feel stronger and thankful to the life I have.

 Good Night! its past midnight. Forgive my typo's and grammer.

Disclaimer: My blog is my personal opinion and not connected to my employer or employees. Everything I write is wholly my personal experience and opinion that's not been validated or certified by anybody.
If you have concerns or questions regarding this article, please contact Rajesh Patil at